Burial ceremony guests hospitalised as event centre collapses in Ekiti


Several individuals were injured on Saturday when the roof of an event centre in Ijero Ekiti State, collapsed during a burial ceremony reception.

As the incident occurred, burial guests hurriedly escaped from the debris, resulting in a stampede and causing injuries to some attendees.

Six guests who sustained severe injuries were immediately transported to a nearby hospital for medical treatment.

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The scene of the incident was chaotic, with the building auditorium and its surroundings scattered with spilled food, broken bottles, shoes, men’s caps, and women’s wigs and headgears.

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Ekiti State Governor, Mr Biodun Oyebanji, who on Sunday sympathised with the victims over the degrees of injuries sustained, expressed joy that no life was lost in the incident.



Oyebanji, represented by the deputy governor, Mrs Monisade Afuye, who visited the site of the building collapse and Ijero General  Hospital, where some victims received treatments, grieved over the incident, saying the accident was very disturbing and saddening.

He said, “We thank God that no life was lost. But as a responsible government, we won’t wait until people die before taking actions that can safeguard their lives. That is why it is most expedient that all government agencies must be responsive to their duties all the time

“Let me sympathise with the victims of this devastating incident. Nobody prays for bad things to happen, but we need to be proactive in preventing occurrences of this nature, rather than being retroactive.


“I know that if the building had been thoroughly supervised and certified fit at every stage of the erection, this incident could have been averted.

READ ALSO: Honour Akinkunmi with state burial, family urges FG



“It is just normal and procedural that all public buildings should be monitored and that they built to specifications and with standard materials used because the common feature associated with building collapse now is for contractors to use substandard products,” the governor said.


The Permanent Secretary, Ekiti State Emergency Management Agency, Mr Olajide Borode, who was on the entourage, said men of Fire Services were immediately deployed to the spot for rescue operation as soon as he received a distressed call.


Borode said, “The Ekiti State Bureau of Special Project will be here to do an integrity test on the building to ascertain whether it can be salvaged or be demolished outrightly.”



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