Comelyhands market place fair excites business owners

Business owners have expressed excitement as the third Comelyhands Market place  held last weekend in Ibadan, Oyo State capital.
According to the Comelyhands Market place sponsor, Tinuola Ayanniyi, it was inaugurated in 2020 with a major objective of connecting  small businesses to consumers of their products.
Since its inauguration 45 businesses have participated at the fair.
The products on display included made in Nigeria clothes, fabrics, jewellery, food, health products, leather works, books among others.
The vendors/participants expressed gladness for the access to market.
Jedidiah clothings said ‘I couldn’t have made as much sales sitting in my shop.’

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Ayoka Signature, a company that makes customized bags and purses said, ‘I was a bit reluctant to join because my business was small at that time. I paid for stand almost towards the last week. Then I fell ill and had to get a young girl to help at the stand. I just kept getting credit alert at home like rain…now I’m glued to Comelyhands marketplace o.
‘I made more money than I anticipated and more so I got more customers who contacted me even after the exhibition.’
Ibadan Jewellery School said “Many prospective students have been contacting us as a result of the exposure.”
The Comelyhands Market place sponsor, Tinuola Ayanniyi said the need to solve the problem of access to market for small businesses, especially women driven business led to the inauguration of the market place.
‘It will get bigger’ she said revealing that the next edition coming up in December will accommodate up to 40 more businesses.
She expressed gratitude to Taiwo Adelakun Photography (TAP), LG Consult and DAMSELng, part sponsors of the project.


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