2023: Hoodlums Attack INEC Training Camp, Disrupt Activities


Some yet-to-be-identified hoodlums have attacked the Ukpor High School training camp being used by the Independent National Electoral Commission to train its officials ahead of the general election.

It was gathered that the hoodlums invaded the school located in the Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State and disrupted the activities of the electoral umpires, trainers and trainees.

The reason behind the attack was unknown at the time of filing this report, but sources said the quick response of the police prevented the hoodlums from carrying out any dastardly act.

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Although, no life was lost in the incident, which occurred late on Thursday, sources said it left the students, the National Youths Service Corps members and other officials in panic and in fear.

The source said the incident created fear in the area and thereby created doubts that the hoodlums would allow the INEC officials to carry out their activities in the area.

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“We thank God there was no loss of life in the attack. There is need for adequate security to be beefed up around the area so that these INEC officials would be allowed to work and ensure hitch-free elections next.”

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Confirming the incident, the Anambra State Police Public relations officer, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, said police operatives prevented the hoodlums from abducting or causing harm to the trainees and their trainers.

Ikenga said, “Following the policing strategy put in place by the Commissioner of Police, CP Echeng Echeng, that is potent and dynamic to respond to any emergency and security concerns, especially ensuring a hitch-free 2023 elections in the state, Joint security team on Thursday, by 5:35pm successfully rescued and prevented armed men from hurting electoral officials on an assignment at Ukpor high school, Nnewi South LGA.

“The INEC staff, with some corps members, university undergraduates and some MDA officials on the training programme of Adhoc staff for the forthcoming 2023 general elections were disrupted by the armed men. No life was lost.”



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