KWASU gets NUC Approval For Intoduction 13 New Programmes


By Suliah Lawal

The National Universities Commission (NUC) has given the green light to Kwara State University, Malete, for the introduction of 13 new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.


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The approval, conveyed in a letter to the Vice-Chancellor and signed by Abubakar Girei, the Acting Director of Academic Planning at NUC, covers a range of disciplines. Among the newly sanctioned undergraduate programs are B.HIM (Health Information Management) and B.Sc. in Development Studies. Meanwhile, the postgraduate offerings include LL.M and Ph.D. programs in Common Law and Islamic Law, as well as M.LIS and Ph.D. programs in Library and Information Science.


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Furthermore, the list includes Ph.D. programs in Human Kinetics and Special Education, an M.Sc. program in Medical Laboratory Science, and Master’s programs in Public Sector Accounting and Development Finance.



These programs are slated to commence in the 2024/2025 academic session and will be conducted in full-time mode.

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Reacting to the NUC’s approval, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shaykh-Luqman Jimoh, expressed enthusiasm for the new additions to the university’s curriculum.


He applauded the state government for its support in achieving this milestone and praised the dedication of the university staff, who are prepared to embrace these new programs and further contribute to the development of human capital in Nigeria.

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