Why I Don’t Believe In One Wife —  Actor Kanayo


Veteran Nollywood actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo, has shared his opinion on monogamy.


Appearing on the latest episode of ‘The Honest Bunch’ podcast, Kanayo said he doesn’t believe in monogamy because it is alien to African culture.

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Favouring polygamy, the movie star emphasised that monogamy was an imported culture.

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“I don’t believe in one wife. It is not our culture. It is not our tradition. It is not who we are. These are imported things,” he expressed.


Kanayo claimed he never knew about divorce until he relocated to Lagos from the South East.


According to him, the Igbo man prefers to die in marriage than divorce.


“I never knew anything about divorce until we came to Lagos. The Igbo man prefers to die in the marriage than divorcing,” he said.


The actor is publicly known to be married to one wife; Nneka Onyekwere.

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