20-Year-Old Man Arrested For Sexually Assaulting Minor


Police operatives attached to Akodo Police Division, Ibeju Lekki, Lagos State, have arrested a 20-year-old man, Ayo Adenupebi for alleged sexual assault on a one-year-old girl.

This is contained in a statement signed by the Lagos Police Command Spokesperson, CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu.

Ajisebutu said the suspect resides in Ise town, Akodo.

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“The victim lives on the same street with the suspect and the incident was reported after the victim’s older sister noticed blood stains on her (victim’s) thigh at 7pm on Friday.
“When asked, the victim alleged that the suspect sexually assaulted her and warned her not to tell anyone, including her parents.

“Following the report made at the Akodo Police Division by the victim’s father, detectives immediately arrested the suspect.

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” Upon interrogation, the suspect confessed to the crime but pleaded for leniency.”

Ajisebutu added that the Commissioner of Police, Mr Hakeem Odumosu, has directed that the suspect be transferred to the Gender Unit of the State Criminal Investigation Department for further investigation and prosecution.


He said the victim has also been taken to the hospital for proper medical treatment.

“The CP who condemned this criminal act, admonishes parents and guardians to keep an eye on their wards particularly the female children.

” This is to avoid being sexually violated by shameless and irresponsible men preying on innocent female victims in the neighbourhoods,” he said.

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