6 meaningful ways to extend help to victims of violent protests


By implementing these measures, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by violent protests

Violent protests can leave behind a trail of devastation, affecting individuals, families, and entire communities

The aftermath of such events often includes physical injuries, emotional trauma, and in some cases, the tragic loss of life.

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In these trying times, it is crucial to extend support to those affected, helping them navigate through their grief and begin the process of healing.

Here are some effective ways to provide meaningful assistance to victims and their families.

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For those injured during the protests, access to immediate and adequate medical care is essential.

Support can be provided by donating to medical funds, which helps cover the costs of surgeries, treatments, and rehabilitation.


Additionally, healthcare professionals can volunteer their services to treat the injured, especially in areas where medical facilities are overwhelmed.

Medics helping an injured protestor

The trauma from violent protests can have severe psychological effects. Offering mental health support is crucial for the healing process.

Providing free or subsidized counseling and therapy sessions can help victims process their trauma and begin healing.

Establishing or promoting support groups where individuals can share their experiences and find solidarity can also be beneficial.

Financial stability can be a significant concern for families affected by violence.

Assistance can come in various forms, such as direct financial aid to families who have lost loved ones or breadwinners, helping them cover living expenses and funeral costs.

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Many victims might need legal assistance to navigate the aftermath of protests. Lawyers can offer their services for free to help victims with any legal issues, from seeking justice to handling claims.

Providing pro bono legal services can ensure that those affected receive the legal representation they need.

Additionally, educating communities about their legal rights through workshops can empower them to seek justice and protection, helping them to understand and utilise the legal resources available to them.

Showing solidarity and engaging with affected communities can foster a sense of unity and support.

Organising community meetings and forums where people can come together to discuss their experiences and find collective ways to support each other is essential.

Protests against the Finance Bill 2024 in Nairobi