Why Goodluck Jonathan Can’t Contest in 2027 Presidential Election

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There have been reports of pressure on former President Goodluck Jonathan to consider running for the presidency in the 2027 elections from certain Northern political elites. However, Jonathan is constitutionally barred from running due to an amendment to the Nigerian Constitution enacted in 2018.

The amendment, signed into law by then-President Muhammadu Buhari, restricts anyone who has served as Vice President or Deputy Governor and has succeeded their principal to only one further term in that same office.

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This means that Jonathan, who completed the term of the late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua and subsequently won the 2011 presidential election, is not eligible to contest the presidential election in 2027.

Despite the pressure from Northern political figures seeking an alternative to the current administration’s policies, Jonathan’s constitutional ineligibility makes it impossible for him to run in the 2027 presidential election.



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