Elon Musk under fire for posting image of Nazi soldier

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Chief Twit Elon Musk has found himself in hot water after posting an insensitive joke with an image of a Nazi soldier.

The Tesla and Twitter CEO posted a photo of a World War II soldier with a crate and three carrier pigeons on his back and the caption ‘three unread messages.’

Musk, the world’s richest man, then commented ‘how times have changed’, before adding: ‘Back when birds were real. But if Twitter is bird, that’s means….’

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He compared the pigeons in the image to Twitter’s own blue bird to his 115 million followers, with the image of the soldier sparking outrage.

Users picked up that it was of a Wehrmacht soldier from Nazi Germany, but it did not feature any obvious insignia.

One, who claimed they were a ‘descendant of ta survivor of the Holocaust’ called the post ‘unacceptable beyond belief’.

They said: ‘It actually sickens me … there must be consequences for using such images. Advertisers should withdraw their spend on Twitter.’


The picture is of a German Wehrmacht soldier, part of the unified Nazi armed forces, carrying messenger pigeons on the Western front during the German invasion of France, known as the Battle of France, in WWII, circa May 1940.

It carries a warning on Getty that it may contain ‘themes, or have descriptions, that do not reflect current understanding.’

Daily Mail

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