Gunmen attack University, kill one, others hospitalized

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Suspected gunmen yesterday attacked Usmanu Danfodiyo University Community Sokoto, shot and killed one person, leaving others in critical condition.


According to eye witness account, the suspected gunmen who were in numbers storm Dundayen Bakin Gulbi village 600 meters away from the University main campus shooting sporadically which made Communities within and outside institution to scamper for their precious lives.

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Muhammad Bello who drives a tricycle (Agwagwa) a resident of Kwalkwalawa village a Community in the University told Vanguard that, the attackers also ransacked an MTN mast in the village where they carted away a number of mobile phones brought for charging.

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According to him, when the gunmen stormed the village, youths in the community resisted and confronted the gunmen which forced the attackers to open fire killing one and leaving several others with gun shot wounds.


“Last week, our community sent two trailers load of onions to Ghana for sales, I am sure the attackers believed the Onion merchants are back from the trip and they are in money which they wanted to rob” says Bello.



“We believed the attackers are those who knew in and out of our village and the University. I am appealing to the University management to checkmate the activities of persons residing in rented apartments around the University, where we are certain some of the suspects might be harbouring”


Reacting to the attack, a University security personnel Malam Rufa’e Umar Rabe said, the attacked was not carried out in the University premises but outside the perimeter fence of the institution.


“I am the operation officer in the office of the University chief security officer, I will not go further as the happening was out of our jurisdiction” says Rabe.


“If you want further clarification and more information, please drop your contact and we will get back to you on Monday”


“Our Vice Chancellor was not in the state, he travelled out and am sure he will be back by Monday”

Newsmen  several attempts to speak to the vice Chancellor Prof. Lawal Suleman Bilbis through his mobile phone but proved abortive as the phone was switched off.


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