How men can improve stamina in lovemaking

This post is commissioned by Yemkem Group

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Most men would agree that there are very few things that can be more frustrating than being unable to satisfy a sexual partner in a lovemaking session. Despite their substantial reputation as a pleasure-seeking gender, sexual stamina remains an elusive trait for a significant proportion of men in society. In fact, some consider it a myth. It is also not so surprising that many men do not openly speak about troubles in the bedroom, as it is a sensitive and often demoralising topic of discussion. However, Franktalknow has taken care to demystify the subject in a comprehensive manner for readers seeking to learn more about the causes—and possible solutions—of low sex drive.

This post is commissioned by Yemkem Group.

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Like with many other physical issues, sexual impotency or low stamina can be caused by various reasons, some of which we shall be discussing below:


Erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is one of the most common sex-related issues for men. Sometimes referred to as ‘impotence’, it is described as an inability to sustain an erection for satisfying sex. This also includes erections that don’t last as long or weak penile tension during erection. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by both physical and psychological issues.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation is the most common type of sexual dysfunction in men, according to the American Urological Association. In fact, Between 30% and 40% of men experience premature ejaculation at some point in their life. Although premature ejaculation can be caused by underlying health issues, it is not always the case. In fact, PE is pretty normal and most men will experience it substantially over the course of their sex lives. However, stress, inexperience, anxiety, depression, and even worry can cause PE to occur more frequently in some than others.


Living habits

Unhealthy living habits can contribute heavily to stamina-related issues in the other room. As a man, it is possible that you have noticed a significant reduction in stamina during lovemaking sessions after extended periods of intoxication or abuse of substances like tobacco and alcohol. Well, scientifically, unhealthy habits like smoking and alcoholism can affect your sexual stamina in the long run. Yes, we are aware of urban ‘experts’ that urge men to have sex under the influence if they want to last longer. Well, although alcohol is known to numb sexual sensations which may prolong ejaculation, it is also heavily linked to erectile dysfunction. Hence, such habits are unsustainable ways to increase or improve your sexual prowess in the long run [].


Health is wealth. And apparently, health is stamina too. Diabetes, obesity, spinal cord injuries, or sleep disorders can contribute to low stamina. Other examples of health conditions that can lead to ED (and in turn affect stamina in bed) are Peyronie’s disease (development of scar tissue inside the penis due to injury or wear and tear) and atherosclerosis. Also, remember that physical wellness is just one aspect of good health. Mental health issues like anxiety and depression can also affect stamina.


As humans age, the body changes as well, and many of those changes contribute to affecting sexual stamina. For example, reduced testosterone production as a man ages can contribute to reduced stamina. ED also becomes more common with age. At age 40, about one-third of men have ED; this number climbs to 70% by age 70 [].

6 Ways to improve sexual stamina

Despite the fact that it is a regular and often inevitable experience for many, sexual stamina can be improved. Now that you know the various causes, let us walk you through some possible solutions to the million-dollar problem.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise, Cardio for short, can help you improve the health of your heart, which is integral to overall wellness and, of course, sexual stamina. Engaging in 20-30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises like biking, jogging or even just walking can drastically improve your cardiovascular health and help mitigate ED or PE caused by cardiovascular health problems.

Eat Right

Yes, even something as seemingly inconsequential as your diet has a big part to play in sexual performance. If the gateway to a man is his stomach, the gateway to his sexual stamina is what he puts in that stomach.

Improving your diet by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains can improve your sexual stamina.

For instance, L-arginine, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods like red meat, fish, poultry, soy, and dairy products, has been linked to improved sexual stamina []. This is because the body converts L-arginine into a chemical molecule called nitric oxide, which plays an important role in increasing the diameter of your blood vessels and promoting blood flow throughout your body. This improvement in blood flow is thought to help mitigate ED caused by physical health issues and cardiovascular issues.

Also, try to limit alcohol and substance intake. While it is completely fine to enjoy a glass of wine or two once in a while, or a beer when out with friends, excessive alcohol consumption will have a negative impact on your sexual stamina.


One effective way of elongating sex sessions is spending time on foreplay with your partner. Remember that it is completely natural for sexual stamina to deteriorate over time, and although changing your diet and improving your general health can significantly decelerate the process, we may never stop Father Time.

Hence, another healthy solution to lasting longer in bed with your spouse is spending more time in foreplay sessions. This could mean kissing, touching, or performing oral sex on each other. Such sex sessions will become less about penetration and more about maintaining a strong sensual connection with your partner. You can find more information on how to enjoy foreplay with your spouse here []


If you are seeking to improve your sexual stamina, you can also consider the use of NAFDAC-approved medication. Products like Yemkem Group’s Titanic – K2 are fast-acting and reliable options to consider if erectile dysfunction is preventing you from lasting in bed.

These products also help combat premature ejaculation. However, medication like this has quite infamously been bastardised by today’s culture and social media landscape. Be careful to only use such supplements when you have consulted a physician, and make sure you obtain them from trusted sources. Also, try as much as possible to employ supplemental remedies in tandem with a good diet and healthy living habits so as to improve your stamina and overall physical health in a more sustainable way.

Use ejaculation-delaying techniques

There are many techniques that can help men to delay their climax and improve stamina in bed. One example is the stop-start technique. This involves having sex as normal until just before you reach orgasm, then either slowing down or stopping until the urge to ejaculate fades away. The stop-start technique is easy to do and typically effective, although you may need to practice it a few times before you have sex to get the timing right.

Another technique that can improve the time spent in penetration before ejaculation is the squeeze technique. This involves squeezing the tip of your penis as soon as you feel the orgasmic sensation ariving, then waiting for around 30 seconds for your body to gradually recover before continuing penetration.

Sometimes, wearing a slightly thicker type of condom when you have sex can also do the trick. Nowadays, condom brands sell “extended pleasure” or “delay” condoms made with thicker, less-sensitive materials that are made specifically to slow down ejaculation.

Pay attention to mental health

Studies are increasingly revealing that many of the reasons low stamina or sex drive persists in many sexually active men are psychological. Stress, noise, and high-tension environments can lead to depression, anxiety, and disinterest. Unfortunately, men are often predisposed to ignoring or undermining mental health-related issues. Unfortunately, many of these parlor issues are more serious than you think and can extend to the bedroom if care is not taken. Practicing mindfulness and seeking professional help when necessary can sustain you in life and in love.


Although several verified sources were consulted in the creation of this post, Franktalknow is not a licensed medical provider and as such does not give medical advice. If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. Franktalknow’s blog articles are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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