Keeping APC in power after 2023 will spell doom for you – Jerry Gana tells youths


The former Minister of Information and Culture, Prof. Jerry Gana, has urged the youths to form a formidable force towards booting the ruling All Progressive Congress out of government in 2023.

Speaking as a Guest Lecturer during a one-day workshop, tagged; “Youth Arise Conferences 2021, held at the Conference Hall of Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun, Delta state, at the weekend, Prof. Gana, scored the APC low in terms of securing the lives and property of citizens, economic recovery and political stability of the nation.

He argued that keeping APC beyond 2023 would spell doom for the nation.

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According to the former minister, APC in the last six years had shown a lack of credible leadership, in terms of good governance, especially in the area of policy formulation and implementation.

He also stated that the opportunity has come for the youths to take advantage of their numerical strength to stop APC in the 2003 general elections.

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Prof. Gana, a member of the Peoples Democratic Party Board of Trustees, urged youths to engage meaningfully the technological skills that the 21st century had availed them in making positive changes in the political climate of the nation when the race for 2023 general elections commenced fully rather than using it on some unprofitable ventures.

He said; “Technology is key to the development of any nation when it is engaged positively but becomes a tool of self-destruction of a nation when it is channelled to negative usage, especially cyber crimes and other social vices as well as propagating falsehood that tends to promote hatred and discord along with ethnic bias and sentiments by some forces working against the unity of a nation.”



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