No student was raped under our watch, Chrisland reacts to sex scandal

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Chrisland School has officially reacted to the sex tape scandal involving its students in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, stating that no pupil was raped under its watch.

A woman had claimed that her daughter was raped during a trip to Dubai which was organised by the Lagos school.

The woman also said that the school had attempted to keep the scandal from the public.

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Chrisland Pupils from its branch located in Victoria Garden City had gone to the UAE to participate in the World School Games between March 10 and 13, 2022.

But in the now-viral video, the pupil’s mother claimed that graphic footage of the incident has been distributed on social media platforms. She also said the school conducted a pregnancy test on her daughter without her knowledge.

Franktalknow had earlier reported that the state’s ministry of education had ordered the closure of the school.


However, in a statement by Akin Fadeyi, a member of the Chrisland advisory board, the school said no rape or pregnancy test was carried out on any of the pupils as widely claimed.

The statement also countered that there was no rape involved in the infamous sex scandal.

The statement reads: “We are proud to reassure our stakeholders that no rape of anyone or the administration of a pregnancy test on any child took place on our watch.

“For emphasis, only a COVID post-travel test was conducted on the returning delegation of our students, in compliance with COVID-19 travel protocols, at the Life Centre Medical Services on March 21, 2022, at School Hall, Opebi.

“This was through the nose swab test as consistent with COVID-19 health protocols. We trust that this can be verified at the source provided. To insinuate that a pregnancy test was carried out on a student, for whatever reason, therefore, is a highly unfortunate conjecture.”

The school authorities said 76 students had been enlisted for the Dubai trip, while 71 of that figure had abided by its code of conduct

It also said male and female students had been kept seven floors apart in the hotel where they lodged in Dubai.

The school added that disciplinary actions had been dealt against the remaining five students who flouted its pre-set rules.

“We took a critical view of the number of students who partook in this recent trip and who did the school proud in our quest to expand the horizons of our students holistically through global exposure,” the statement read.

“[This] takes into account a wholesome development of the mind, body, and spirit through sporting engagements.

“Of the 76 children who represented Chrisland, 71 ensured an untainted adherence to our standards, abiding with laid down regulations and code of conduct, while doing us very proud in the process.

“Within these 71, we kept our girls on the 11th floor and Boys on the 4th floor to draw clear lines that respect moral boundaries.

“We were, however, compelled to engage with the parents of the remaining students who unfortunately got themselves involved in misconduct.

“In accordance with our code of conduct processes, which are well known to the parents, we meted out measured reprimands to them to instill a sense of discipline and as deterrence to others.

“Of the 76 children who represented Chrisland, 71 ensured an untainted adherence to our standards, abiding with laid down regulations and code of conduct, while doing us very proud in the process.

“Within these 71, we kept our girls on the 11th floor and Boys on the 4th floor to draw clear lines that respect moral boundaries.

“We were, however, compelled to engage with the parents of the remaining students who unfortunately got themselves involved in misconduct.

“In accordance with our code of conduct processes, which are well known to the parents, we meted out measured reprimands to them to instill a sense of discipline and as deterrence to others.”

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