Osun labour leaders pledge support for Adeleke


The leadership of the Labour Movement in Osun State has assured the state governor, Senator Ademola Adeleke, of workers’ support.

The State Trade Union Congress Chairman, Comrade Adekola Adebowale, who spoke on behalf of other Labour leaders at a meeting with the governor, also commended Adeleke for interacting with workers, saying the gesture was an indication of high importance the new administration placed on the civil servants.

He said workers in the state had no reason to doubt Adeleke’s commitment to workers given that he came from a family that kept promises.

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Adebowale said, “Let the Governor be assured that workers in the State will support him fully and in fact, give him the support that no other government in the history of the State has ever enjoyed.”

READ ALSO: Osun: You’re resilient – Peter Obi reacts as Adeleke becomes gov 


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Responding, Adeleke restated the commitment of his administration to the welfare of workers in the state.

Adeleke, in a statement by his spokesperson, Olawale Rasheed, obtained in Osogbo on Wednesday, also expressed his administration’s readiness to listen to workers’ plights and address them.


He, however, pleaded for time to enable the government have a better understanding of the issues, but expressed his administration’s readiness to look into grievances of the workers with the past administration.

He said, “Let me assure you that I will be open and friendly to workers. So, workers have a friend in this government, and not only will we listen to you, but (we will also) do our best to make sure they are addressed.”


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