Pastor, Others Caught With Human Skull Confess [Photo]


A Pastor with the Christ Liberty Evangelism Church, Oyenekan Oluwaseyi, and three others have confessed to using human skull for ritual.


This followed a confirmed arrest by the Ogun State Police Command, noting that all four suspects were arrested in the Saje Area of Abeokuta, the State’s Capital.

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“We arrested the four of them. They have since confessed that they wanted to use the head for blessings and money rituals. The investigations are ongoing to unravel more details about the incident,”.

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A source said that the arrest was made following a tip-off from members of the public about the suspects’ suspicious movement and activities in the area.



Other items such as one big calabash, one black Toyota Camry car and one ram found with the suspects had been recovered and taken to the police station.


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