REVEALED: Eight steps that will lead you to multiple orgasms

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Just as lots of couples don’t bother trying to have simultaneous orgasms, multiple orgasms don’t appeal to everyone either.

Not everyone wants, or has time for the long, drawn-out sex session usually necessary to produce them.

But even if you don’t think multiples are your cup of tea, doing the following will result in a better quality of orgasm – and who doesn’t want more of those.

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Here goes…

1. How you breathe is important

Some experts say holding your breath on orgasm heightens the sensation, others say if you starve your brain of oxygen, it forces oxygen-giving blood to flow toward it and away from your genitals. (Not good: you need lots of blood in your genitals for peak sensation.)

Continuing to breathe deeply through orgasm is recommended by spiritual sex devotees who claim it means you’re more likely to be able to have a second one.


While yet more experts say if you want to feel your orgasm over a wider area, start with regular deep breaths and then start panting just before orgasm. Who’s right? It’s about what works for you, so give them all a try.

2. Know your anatomy

Most orgasms follow a similar pattern. But they vary enough between individuals to ensure we all have our very own ‘orgasm fingerprint’.

Do multiple orgasms appeal to you?

One theory about female orgasm is that there are two distinct nerves responsible for the two different ‘basic’ orgasms (clitoral and front wall).

The pudendal nerve goes to the clitoris and the pelvic nerve goes to the vagina and uterus.

Because the pudendal has more nerve endings, this could be why women have more clitoral than vaginal orgasms.

The two nerves overlap in the spinal cord – which may explain why women are able to have ‘blended’ orgasms (clitoral and front wall simultaneously).

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3. Take control of what you can

Several factors seem to influence whether women have both multiple and vaginal orgasms: the strength of their PC muscles (more on that later), the sensitivity of their front vaginal wall (the bit below your tummy) and motivation to keep trying different stimulation and orgasm triggers.

You have control over most of these factors – and another crucial one.

The more ways you’re able to orgasm (via masturbation, oral, front wall etc), the more likely you are to have multiple orgasms.

If you’re in the (bad) habit of having most of your orgasms via the same means – your partners tongue, fingers or a vibrator – start switching it up.

Stop having orgasms your usual way and only use a different technique. It takes time to retrain your body, but it will happen.

4. Get into training

You know what’s coming. Yep, it’s ‘kegels’. An exercise routine for the muscles inside your vagina.

The PC muscle supports the pelvic floor and ‘spasms’ during orgasm.

Like the rest of your body, if it’s toned and fit, it works better – pumping even more blood to the pelvis (great for arousal) and making stronger contractions (giving longer, more intense orgasms).

Yes, it’s yet another thing to add to the ‘to do’ list but, happily, the exercises take mere minutes and you can do them anywhere.

Simply squeeze the muscle you use to hold back urine, hold it for two seconds, then release. Do this 20 times, three times per day.

5. Practise ‘peaking’ techniques

Peaking involves taking yourself almost to the point of orgasm, waiting for your arousal to subside, then climbing back up again.

This trains you to stay in a high state of excitement, following a ‘wave-like’ orgasm pattern, rather than one which starts at the bottom and steadily climbs higher.

Not only does this optimise the release of endorphins, which feel amazing, it teaches your body to stay in a practically permanent orgasmic pleasure zone, able to orgasm over and over.

6. Take your time

The longer the action, the stronger the reaction.

There’s good evidence the strength of your orgasm, depends on the length of foreplay and other erotic stimulation involved.

While most of us can masturbate to orgasm in a few minutes (especially when using a vibrator), it feels more satisfying during partnered sex when you’ve hovered at the ‘plateau’ stage (the stage after arousal and before orgasm) before tipping over.

7. Deliberately develop orgasm triggers

The more your brain travels a certain path neurologically, the more effortless it becomes.

Curving your lips upward lets your brain know you’re happy, triggering the release of serotonin, a hormone which makes you feel happy as well as look it. The more signposts of impending orgasm your brain can recognise, the easier it will trigger the orgasmic response.

Focus on what you naturally do on approach to orgasm, then exaggerate it. If you breathe heavier and faster, breathe even heavier the next time you’re about to climax. If you notice you tense your toes and throw your head back, do that.

Get to the point where your brain thinks ‘Aha! Deep heavy breathing combined with toe flexing means she’s about to orgasm. Better get cracking then and make it happen!’.

Do this and orgasm becomes effortless and spontaneous.

8. Use different stimulation for each orgasm

After your first orgasm, your body may become temporarily desensitised to the form of stimulation you’re using. If you have your first via intercourse, you’ve got more chance having another through oral sex than through more penetrative sex because you’re stimulating a different area.

A third might be achievable through you masturbating yourself – it’s going to be the hardest to have, so call in the expert (you).

Blending different types of stimulation is often the key to triggering multiple orgasms. Use a vibrator alongside your partner’s fingers; add fingers to tongue stimulation. Anything that adds an extra erotic jolt can do the trick.

Daily Mail

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