Scientists have a new answer for the best age to have your first baby

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Modern society bombards us with various comparisons of what our parents’ lives were like in our 20s and what our reality looks like today.

At that time, they already owned houses, created families and had children. Today, times are completely different.

The number of singles is growing (often by choice), the prospects for our own house or apartment, which we simply cannot afford, are decreasing, and therefore the chance of starting a family is minimal.

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Despite changing times, many people are still under pressure from family and friends to “settle down.” Have you ever heard, “You’re 30. It’s high time to get married and have a baby”? If so, you are not alone.

There is no need to rush the decision to get pregnant [Parents]

New research published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society sheds new light on this topic, suggesting that there is no need to rush the decision to get pregnant. Scientists have found that late motherhood may have health benefits.


“Having your first child after age 35 can help improve your cognitive abilities. The same research has shown that if a woman becomes pregnant for the first time before the age of 24, she has worse working memory and attention problems,” we read on the website.

Scientists explain this relationship by the action of hormones – estrogen and progesterone. During pregnancy, their levels in the body increase, which improves cognitive functions. Because these functions weaken with age, late pregnancy may strengthen them again.

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The decision should be ours alone

The key is to ask ourselves whether we are mentally ready for a child [Alamy]

However, we cannot forget that fertility begins to decline over time. The later we decide to start a family, the greater the risk that our efforts to have a child may prove fruitless. However, if we are ready to take this risk and trust modern medicine, there is nothing wrong with postponing trying to have a baby until later.

The decision to become pregnant for the first time should not be dictated by social pressure or the expectations of loved ones. The key is to ask ourselves whether we are mentally ready for a child and whether we feel that the right time has come. Each of us should answer this question for ourselves.

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