Sharon Stone: How I lost custody of my child for acting sex role

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Sharon Stone, the ace American actress, has opened up on how she lost custody of her four-year-old child in 2004 for taking up a sex role in a movie.

The film star, during a chat with Bruce Bozzi on the ‘Table for Two’ podcast, said her role in ‘Basic Instinct’, the 1992 movie, gave a negative perception of her.

She recalled how a judge had asked her son if he was aware of her nudity roles in movies.

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Taking a dig at the US judicial system, the movie producer said she felt hurt by the prejudice she had received.

When the judge asked my tiny-little boy, ‘Do you know your mother makes sex movies?’ Like this kind of abuse by the system. That I was considered what kind of parent I was,” she said.

“Because I made that movie? Maybe like a 16th of a second of a possible nudity of me. And now I lost custody of my child.

“People are walking around with no clothes on at all on regular TV networks.”


The movie star also revealed that losing her child to her husband got her hospitalised with a heart-related issue.

“I ended up in the Mayo clinic with extra heartbeats in the upper and lower chamber of my heart,” she added.

“When you say broke my heart? It broke my heart. It literally broke my heart.”

Stone and Ron Bronstein, her husband, adopted Roan as their child in 2000.

But after the couple parted ways in 2004, the judge awarded the child’s custody to her ex-husband.

In ‘Basic Instinct’, Sharon Stone played the role of Catherine Tramell, a crime novelist, who became a suspect in a crime. During investigations, she seduced the prosecutor into an intense relationship.

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