Subsidy Removal: How to Handle Your Bus Conductor in Lagos This Period

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The recent removal of fuel subsidy has had a significant impact on the cost of transportation in Lagos. As a result, bus conductors are now charging more for rides. This has led to a lot of frustration among commuters, who are now having to pay more for their daily commute.

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Here are some tips on how to handle your bus conductor in Lagos during this period:

  1. Negotiate before you enter: Don’t just get on the bus and expect to pay the conductor’s asking price. Negotiate with them and try to get a lower fare.
  2. Beat down the price before entry: If the conductor refuses to negotiate, try to beat down the price before you get on the bus. This will show them that you’re not willing to pay their asking price.
  3. Make sure you have smaller denominations: Bus conductors often don’t have a change, so it’s a good idea to make sure you have smaller denominations of cash. This will make it easier to pay the fare without having to wait for change.

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