Unprecedented Flooding Ravages Ajao Estate in Lagos, Causing Severe Damage to Properties


In a shocking turn of events, the residents of Ajao Estate in Lagos woke up to a devastating flood on Saturday morning, caused by heavy rainfall that persisted throughout the night.


The torrential downpour resulted in the overflow of water, submerging homes and destroying properties worth millions of naira.

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One affected resident, identified only as Mike, recounted the harrowing experience of being awakened by his neighbor’s frantic calls, urging him to evacuate his flat immediately to avoid being drowned by the flood.

Mike described how he discovered his entire room already flooded, with the water level reaching knee height. In a rush, he salvaged his most valuable possessions before fleeing his home.

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Regrettably, many residents were unable to salvage their belongings due to the suddenness of the flood, which started late at night.

Consequently, numerous electronic gadgets and other valuable items were irreparably damaged.


According to Grace, another resident, the area had experienced a similar heavy flood in July 2021.

In response, residents, particularly landlords, had made efforts to clear the drainage systems in the vicinity to prevent a recurrence.


However, their efforts proved insufficient, as the recent flood wreaked havoc once again, causing extensive damage to properties worth millions of naira.

The affected streets include Ugo Nnabuife, Anthony Udo, Akeem Shittu, Itanola Drive, New World, and Eyituoyo Omatshola.

These areas bore the brunt of the flood, leaving residents devastated and grappling with the aftermath of the disaster.

Residents expressed their dismay, highlighting the significant financial losses incurred due to the destruction of their properties.

The recurrence of such a calamity has left them feeling helpless and questioning the effectiveness of previous drainage system clearing efforts.

READ ALSO: Lagos issues Flood Alert To Residents Of Lekki-Ajah, Meiran, Ajegunle, Others



It is worth noting that Lagos was not among the Nigerian states affected by the great flood in 2022, which occurred after Cameroon’s Lagdo Dam released its waters.

Therefore, the recent flooding in Ajao Estate cannot be attributed to that particular event.

As residents grapple with the aftermath of this devastating flood, it is crucial for the relevant authorities to investigate the causes and take immediate action to prevent future occurrences.

The clearing of drainage systems and canals should be prioritized to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents of Ajao Estate and other flood-prone areas in Lagos.

The affected residents are in dire need of assistance and support from the government and humanitarian organizations to help them recover from this disaster.

It is essential that the necessary resources and aid are provided promptly to alleviate their suffering and help them rebuild their lives.

As the community comes to terms with the extent of the damage caused by the flood, it is hoped that this unfortunate incident will serve as a wake-up call for the authorities to implement long-term solutions to prevent such disasters in the future.

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