Why I Haven’t Had Sex In Four Years – Popular Nollywood Actress, Lizzy Opens Up


Nollywood actress,  Lizzy Gold has opened up on the reason she remained single and not indulged in s3x in four years.

It was gathered that the Asaba based script interpreter, in a trending video during a question and answer session, revealed she is a single mother of two with no plans for marriage.

According to the 35-year-old,  she doesn’t like the idea of marriage, as waking everyday next to a man will make her really uncomfortable.

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She added that if she decides to settle down tomorrow, then it must be a distanced relationship, noting that distances makes parties involved in a romantic affair miss themselves.

Lizzy also claimed that she hasn’t had sex in four years.

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In her words: “I have been getting a lot of questions like, ‘Is she single? Is she married? Now, I’m going to answer all your questions. I’ve never been married before. I’m single, and I’m a single mom. The reason I’m not yet married is not because I don’t like the word ‘marriage’. It’s because I’m taking my time and I love my space. So, if I must marry anybody, it has to be a distance relationship. I don’t think I’m very comfortable if I marry a man and every day I wake up, I see you on my bed, in my space. I will not be too comfortable.

“Sometimes, I believe distance relationships help create more fun in a relationship. It helps to make both partners miss themselves.

“That is why I’m not married currently. And it (marriage) is not really in my dictionary right now.”

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