5 foods you didn’t know were invented by accident

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How did some of our favourite meals come to be? Did someone spend years in a kitchen mixing ingredients until they got it just right?

Sometimes, the answer is yes. But other times, some of the most popular foods we know today were invented by complete accident.

Here are five foods that were invented by accident, along with the fascinating stories and people behind their unexpected creation.

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Popsicles [SeriousEats]


The popsicle was invented by an 11-year-old boy named Frank Epperson in 1905. Frank accidentally left a cup of soda with a stirring stick on his porch overnight during a rare cold period in San Francisco. The next morning, he found the soda frozen with the stick inside, creating the first popsicle. Frank called his invention the “Epsicle,” which was later renamed “Popsicle.”

Potato chips [YouTube]

Potato chips, one of the world’s most beloved snacks, were invented out of spite by a chef named George Crum in 1853. Working at Moon’s Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York, Crum became frustrated with a customer who repeatedly sent back his fried potatoes, claiming they were not crispy enough. In response, Crum sliced the potatoes as thin as possible, fried them to a crisp, and added extra salt. To his surprise, the customer loved them, and potato chips were born.

Corn flakes [Recipesnet]