5 Ways to Make Money From August 1 Protest

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The looming August 1 protest in Nigeria has ignited a wave of anticipation and apprehension across the nation. While many are concerned about the potential for unrest, others are looking at it as a unique opportunity.

Here are five unconventional, and purely hypothetical, ways to potentially profit from the situation:

1. Protest Merchandise:

From t-shirts and caps to badges and stickers, there’s a market for protest paraphernalia. Create catchy slogans and designs that resonate with the protest’s core message. You could sell these items online or at physical locations near protest hotspots.

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2. Food and Beverage Vendor:

Hungry and thirsty protesters are a captive market. Set up a food and beverage stall near protest grounds. Offer affordable, filling options like snacks, water, and energy drinks. Consider partnering with local food vendors to increase your product range.

3. Social Media Influencer:

Leverage the protest’s buzz to increase your social media following. Create engaging content around the event, such as live streams, interviews, and behind-the-scenes footage. You can monetize your increased popularity through sponsored posts, brand collaborations, and merchandise sales.

4. Security Services:

While this might seem counterintuitive, there could be a demand for security personnel to protect businesses and properties during the protest. If you have the necessary qualifications and experience, consider offering your services.


5. Crisis Communication Consultant:

Businesses and individuals might need help managing their public image during the protest. Offer crisis communication services to help them navigate potential challenges. This could involve media relations, social media management, and reputation management.

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