10 Ways To Make Your Face Look 10 Years Younger 

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Aging is the one guarantee in life that awaits us all. It is a natural process that we all must go through, but often times it can claim the confidence of many men and women who want to look as young as they once did.

Some of us like to believe we look years younger than we really are, gracefully ageing ever so gradually. But, as every woman who has ever got a shock when they opened their ­camera phone the wrong way round knows, Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress.

And now it is officially confirmed thanks to new scientific research revealed last month. Rather than experiencing a slow, gradual decline, our bodies change dramatically around the ages of 44 and 60.

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The Stanford ­University study discovered rapid bursts of ageing occurring at a molecular level at these ages, describing them as ‘cliff edges’ of sudden deterioration.

When it comes to the signs of old age, there are a few major ways we begin to show them: 

  • Face
  • Body
  • Mind

The face is typically the first place people look when in a conversation, or simply passing by. For this reason, it is one of the parts of the body that can make us look the oldest, and really shows signs of old age prominently.


Typically, this comes in the form of: 

  • Lost volume
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Skin discoloration and scarring
  • Sun damage
  • Sagging skin

1. Flattering Your Hair – Bringing Vibrancy Back to Your Face

Flattering your hair means cutting and styling your hair so as to minimise the signs of aging. If you continue to pursue hairstyles that are suited for someone who is younger, it can actually detract from your attempts to maintain a youthful appearance. This is why you will typically see women begin to change their hairstyle as they get older – usually to something shorter.


2. Utilise the Power of the Color Wheel

As we age, the colour of our hair changes. Some changes are subtle such as the lightening of our hair colour over time. While some changes in hair colour are rather dramatic, in the case of graying hair, or even white hair.

One technique you can use to fight this sign of old age and look younger, is to avoid using a hair colour that makes your hair look much darker. Choosing too dark of a hair colour can actually accentuate lines on the face, forehead, and neck, and also be easily spotted as colouring.

When making your hair look younger, you want to choose a lighter colour, so that it blends naturally with your gray hair. The gray hairs in this context appear like highlights, adding depth to your colour.

It is important to accept that as you get older, you should start to brighten or enrich your hair colour rather than try to maintain the same shade you have had most of your life. Lightening the hair with age helps you to offset the changes in your skin pigmentation by adding vibrance and shine compatible with your new skin tone.

This simple tip for looking younger can help you shave years off of your appearance, and also feel much more confident with your outward beauty as you age.

3. Switch the Wardrobe Up – Accentuate & Dress Your Age 

With a classic, chic set of clothing you can accessorise in such a way as to distract from your visible signs of aging.

A simple silk scarf that flatters your ensemble can hide sagging neck skin while a stylish sweater can camouflage jiggling upper arms.

Eye-catching jewellery or sparkling pendants on the breastplate can be used to divert attention. But, be careful that the necklaces you wear to look younger are not too tight; necklaces need to be longer as you get older, hanging above the chest but as far below the face as you can get away with.

Also, be sure that when selecting clothing that will make you look younger, you wear clothing that is age appropriate. That same slimming dress you could fit into as a young woman may not have the same flattering appeal to it as you get older.In some cases, wearing clothing that is not age appropriate can actually add years to your appearance, by exposing areas of the body that show signs of age.

4. Know These Secrets to Having Younger Looking Eyes

Do you have signs of old age on your face specifically that really make you feel uncomfortable? Don’t worry, we all do. But, there are a few easy tips that you can follow to look younger by masking those signs of aging:

a) Tasteful Makeup Can Mask Crow’s Feet

Crow’s Feet are those notorious wrinkles that appear next to the eyes as we get older. For many women, this is a confidence killer that they wish to hide in order to look younger and feel more confident. Using makeup properly can help you hide the following signs of aging in the face:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Wrinkles
  • Under eye coloring
  • Deep lines

While you can not completely hide your wrinkles with makeup, you can distract from them by dabbing concealer only where you need it in areas around the eyes. Warning: Using too much foundation or powder on your crow’s feet can actually make them more visible than normal.

For dark circles or any other discoloration around your eyes, a small, flat makeup brush can help you to apply concealer to the affected area. If you try to massage the concealer, or rub it into place to blend it, you will end up stretching the skin around your eyes which will only make certain signs of aging worse.

The reason for this extra skin and discoloration under the eyes is due to a loss of collagen over time. This is the substance responsible for plump, tight skin. There are also some natural remedies you can consider to add collagen to your diet, which can help you look 10 years younger or more.

5. Take Care of Your Skin – It Makes a Huge Difference Over a Lifetime 

As we get older, we need to take care of our skin and commit to a cleansing and exfoliation regimen. Doing so will not only encourage your face to produce more collagen and antioxidants to help new cell growth, but also help to remove excess layers of dead skin cells.

This will continually reveal the brighter skin cells underneath, a natural way to add shine and vibrance to your appearance. This simple tips to looking younger can help you take 10 years or more off of the appearance of your face.

6. Steer Clear of Toxins in Your Diet and Environment

Part of your skin care plan should be to steer clear of any avoidable toxins in your diet and environment. Obviously, some things are completely unavoidable. For example: you live in an urban area or work a job that gives you a high level of exposure to  increased levels of pollutants in the air.

However, even in situations like this, there are steps you can take to look younger by detoxifying your skin and body of these unwanted, harmful toxins.

  1. No matter the weather, it is imperative that you avoid excessive sun exposure. As part of maintaining the skin.

try to avoid these foods and drinks: 

  • Alcohol
  • Sweets
  • Trans Fats
  • Caffeine

7. Maintain a Healthy Diet – You Are What You Eat!

We have all heard the famous saying, “you are what you eat”. Well, to be honest, this saying is true for the most part. If you constantly eat foods that are high in:

  • Carbs
  • Processed sugars
  • Trans fats
  • And other non-essentials

8. Stay Hydrated – Our Bodies Are 70%+ Water 

Proper hydration throughout the day will reduce fatigue, lower your maximum heart rate, and improve your physical performance throughout the day.

On top of this, staying hydrated also improves your mood by reducing fatigue, confusion, and sleepiness. By reducing negative moods you can increase your calmness and your positive emotions. Stress is one of the leading contributors to aging appearance.

9. Sleep More – 7 to 8 Hours is the Standard

Sleep helps to support overall brain function and physical health. It supports development at all ages, and with proper sleep, you can: improve your mood, and boost energy levels throughout the day.

10. Get a Healthy Amount of Sunlight – But Watch Out for Burns 

The sun keeps bones, skin, and hair healthy because it causes our bodies to produce vitamin D. This essential anti-aging vitamin helps your body to absorb calcium, a necessary component for regular bone growth.

As osteoporosis is a serious concern for the elderly and especially for women, 30 minutes per day of sun exposure with proper sunscreen can help to improve bone density and combat the signs of age.

The best part about this technique for looking 10 years younger is that it is entirely free. All you have to do is get outside, and enjoy a nice, peaceful nap in the sun.


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