7 Things Highly Successful Men Do Before 8am Every Day, According To Psychology

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There’s a real difference between just getting through the day and truly succeeding.

Success doesn’t happen by accident, it’s the result of intentional actions taken consistently, often even before most people are out of bed.

Success does not come on a platter of gold, hard work and diligence will help.

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In this article, we’re going to delve into these 7 things successful men do before 8am.

1) Early risers

It’s not just a cliché, successful men really do rise with the sun.


The realm of successful individuals is populated by early birds. Think of Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, who reportedly starts his day at 3:45am, or Richard Branson, who wakes up at 5:45am even when he’s on his private island!

Why the early start? According to psychology, waking up early allows these high achievers to start their day on their own terms. Instead of reacting to the world, they’re proactively setting the tone for their day.

By waking up before most people are even stirring, they’re able to focus without interruptions on tasks that matter most to them – be it exercise, meditation, planning for the day, or even spending quality time with their loved ones.

2) Fitness first

Now, I’m not a CEO or a billionaire, but I’ve found that my most productive days always start with some form of exercise.

Highly successful men seem to agree. They prioritize their physical health, understanding that a healthy body fuels a healthy mind. Many of them hit the gym, take a run, or practice yoga before the sun is even up.

Take Mark Zuckerberg for example. He starts his day with a workout, saying it helps him stay energized and focused.

I personally have noticed the impact of morning workouts on my day. When I hit the treadmill or lift some weights in the early morning, I feel more alert, my mood is lifted, and I feel ready to tackle any challenges that come my way.

Exercise is not only good for our physical health, but according to psychology, it also helps to reduce stress and improve mental clarity. Incorporating fitness into your morning routine could be your first step towards success.

3) Mindful mornings

Meditation and mindfulness practices have been embraced by some of the most successful men in the world, from Steve Jobs to Bill Gates. It’s not just a trendy buzzword, but a practice that has been linked to improved concentration, reduced stress, and enhanced creativity.

Here’s something to ponder: A Harvard study found that regular meditation can lead to changes in the brain’s structure. Specifically, it can increase cortical thickness in the hippocampus, which governs learning and memory, and decrease brain cell volume in the amygdala, which is responsible for fear, anxiety and stress.

By incorporating mindfulness practices into their morning routine, successful men are setting themselves up for a day of clear thinking and calm decision-making.

4) Nourishing breakfast

Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day and successful men seem to take this to heart. They understand the significance of fuelling their bodies right from the start of the day.

Whether it’s a protein-packed smoothie, a hearty bowl of oatmeal, or a simple piece of fruit, these men make sure they’re not running on empty. They know that a healthy and balanced breakfast aids in maintaining energy levels, improving short-term memory, and boosting concentration.

Skipping breakfast might save a few minutes, but the cost to productivity can be high. So take a leaf out of their book and make time for a nourishing breakfast each morning.

5) Prioritized planning

I’ll be the first to admit, I wasn’t always the most organized person. My days used to be chaotic, reactive, and felt like a constant game of catch-up.

Then, I stumbled upon a common trait among successful men – they prioritize and plan their day before it even starts.

They dedicate time in the morning to list out their objectives for the day, rank them based on importance, and create a clear action plan. This isn’t just about filling up a to-do list, but about identifying what really matters.

Since adopting this habit, my days have become more productive and less stressful. I’ve found a sense of clarity and purpose that was missing before.

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6) Learning moments

The world’s most successful men understand that knowledge is power and continuous learning is key. That’s why many of them dedicate a portion of their morning to learning something new.

This could be reading a chapter of a book, catching up on industry news, or even listening to an informative podcast during their morning workout.

They recognize that the pursuit of knowledge doesn’t stop after formal education. By incorporating learning into their morning routine, they’re constantly expanding their horizons and staying ahead of the curve.

Making time for learning each morning can help you stay informed, inspired, and ready for whatever the day brings your way.

7) Time for gratitude

At the heart of every successful man’s morning routine is a moment for gratitude. They take time to acknowledge and appreciate the good in their lives, whether it’s their health, their family, or their accomplishments.

According to psychology, practicing gratitude regularly can increase happiness, reduce depression and even improve physical health.

In the race towards success, it’s easy to lose sight of what we already have. By starting each day with a moment of gratitude, these successful men remind themselves of their blessings, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day.



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